
List of publication in National/International


1.    English in Tribal area: A window to see the world for  shaping the personality. Publish in National journal, August 2018.

2.   Judgementalism in the novel of  E.M.Forster’s where Angels fear to tread: Published in International Journal (Multidisciplinary Educational Research, 

        April 2020).

3.    Life Force the Symbol of ‘Show must go on’ in George Bernard Show’s Pygmalion. Published in International Journals (Sodh sanchar bulletin, Oct. 2020)

4.    Man, Destroyed but not defeated in Ernest miller Hemingway’s "The old man and the sea”. Published in International Journals (Sodh Sarita , Dec. 2020).

5.   Stoicism is the foundation of modern civilization in john Millington Synge's ‘Riders to the sea”. Published in International Journal: International Journals of Advance and Applied Research.